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What is Oktoberfest?

We know Oktoberfest is German and we know today it is a big beer party, but what is it all about and how did it start? I am so glad you asked. As you know at Rüeggenbach we celebrate the Swiss and German culture so what better place to enjoy the traditions of Oktoberfest.

Oktoberfest, the world-renowned beer festival, traces its origins back to the marriage of Bavarian Crown Prince Ludwig to Princess Therese of Saxe-Hildburghausen on October 12, 1810. To celebrate this joyous occasion, the citizens of Munich were invited to join in the festivities, which took place over five days in a meadow outside the city gates.

As revelers gathered under a canopy of twinkling stars and hearty laughter, the fields buzzed with excitement. The marriage party was so grand that it featured horse races, lively music, and an abundance of food and, of course, beer! This inaugural event was such a hit that it inspired a repeat gathering the following year, leading to what we now affectionately know as Oktoberfest.

Over the decades, the festival has evolved, introducing massive beer tents, amusement rides, and an array of scrumptious German fare. By the late 19th century, it had become an annual tradition and grew even larger, with more breweries participating and the festivities extending over two weeks. Today, millions flock to Munich each year to don their dirndls and lederhosen, raise a stein, and revel in the spirit of this joyful celebration that started with one royal wedding!

So, the next time you raise a glass at Rüeggenbach for Oktoberfest, remember you're partaking in a grand story that began with love, laughter, and a whole lot of beer! Prost!

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